Thursday, April 16, 2009

Newark FFA members attend the Livestock Career Development Event (CDE) at JJC.

The Newark FFA Livestock team placed 4th in the Section 7 contest. The Livestock Career Development Event consists of 12 livestock judging classes, three breeding classes and three keep-cull classes. Additionally, the Livestock CDE is held in conjunction with the JJC Livestock CDE.

The Livestock and Dairy Judging Career Development Event is an activity that requires a variety of skills. Students evaluate the livestock based on the physical characteristics, as well as, the frame and muscling of the animals. The classes of animals include ranking four animals best desirable to least desirable, keep or cull classes, EPD reading, yield grading for market animals and production predictions for cows, heifers and bulls. Students evaluate the dairy animals based on milk production readings, pedigree chart reading, size, volume and bone mass of the animal, udder size and conformation, ease of walking and soundness on their feet and legs.

The Newark FFA Livestock CDE was held at JJC on April 11.
The members of the Livestock Team included Randy Brummel, Courtney Danneberg, Allie Hickernell, Luke Larson, Connor Duncan, and Logan Rehberg. The Chapter next contest will be in Henry, Il April 25th and the state competition will be April 28th at U of I along with State Dairy CDE.

These FFA members prepared for this event by visiting area farms to practice evaluating animals as well as devoting time before and after school to work on their knowledge of livestock and dairy production.

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