Thursday, February 05, 2009

Newark FFA Holds Strawberry Sale

Newark FFA Holds Strawberry Sale

If you had them last year, you know you want them this year. The Newark FFA chapter is holding a strawberry sale until February 24th. Strawberries will be sold by the flat, and a flat holds 12 pints (approx. 1 ½ gal). Cost of a flat is $21.00 each and pick-up will be the 1st or 2nd week in March due to availability and weather conditions in Florida. Orders can be made to Newark FFA members, ordered by email to Mr. Joe Steffen or call 815-695-5164 ext. 228 Div

Newark FFA Chapter Participates in the Section 7 Dairy Foods CDE

The Newark FFA participated in the Section 7 Dairy Foods Career Development Event held at Seneca High School on December 3rd. The team place third overall in the competition. The contest consists of a written test and rings of Identification of many kinds of cheese. Individuals from the Newark FFA Chapter include: Kelsey Oldenburg, Levi Jager, Rachel Whitlock, Josh McConnell, and Sam Hoddy. Sam Hoddy placed 10th high individual at the contest.
Students are also challenged with identifying milk problems and real versus artificial samples of milk products at the Dairy Foods CDE.

Newark FFA Chapter Participates in the Section 7 Agronomy CDE

The Newark FFA participated in the Section 7 Agronomy Career Development Event held at Seneca High School on December 3rd. The team place third overall in the competition. The contest consists of a written test and judging rings of corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, hay and silage. Individuals from the Newark FFA Chapter include: Alex Bromeland, Logan Rehberg, Mike Larson, and Zeke Schmidt.
Students are also challenged with identifying over 75 weed and crop samples at the Agronomy CDE. They must also evaluate the grain samples based on seed quality as well as livestock nutritional value of the hay and silage. Students cover a crop science unit in Ag Science and Agribusiness classes. FFA members prepared for this event by attending practices before and after school.

Newark FFA Chapter Participates in the Million Can Challenge

The Newark FFA chapter participated in the Million Can Challenge sponsored by the National FFA Alumni and the Toyota Corporation. FFA members collected canned and non-perishable food the months of November and December. Over 500 lbs of canned food and fresh fruit was donated to the Kendall County Food Pantry. The National FFA Alumni and Toyota have teamed up to raise awareness of the need for food for the needy is needed throughout the year not just at holiday time. The Chapter will collect food all year long and will be given to local food pantries.

Newark FFA Chapter members attend the Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Event (CDE)

The Newark FFA Parliamentary Procedure team placed 3rd in the Section 7 contest.
Individuals from the Newark FFA chapter that placed in the event include: Dan Doeing placed 2nd as the Chairman. Tara Bernard placed 2nd as the Secretary. Skyler Hagen, Alex Bromeland, Logan Rehberg and Morganne Friestad placed as a Floor Members.
The proper way to conduct a business meeting is the goal of the Parliamentary Procedure CDE. Members from each team representing each school must have an extensive knowledge of parliamentary Procedure, as they must conduct the meeting, while being challenged in their knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order. The secretary must keep accurate minutes of this session problems. The remaining members of the team are the floor members. Floor members make motions and follow the proceedings of discussion and other business which takes place in meetings. The floor members are to challenge each president with knowledge and skills. All contestants are judged on their individual Parliamentary knowledge, as well as their public speaking skills and power of expression.
The section 7 Parliamentary procedure CDE was held December 16th at Seneca High School.
These FFA members prepared for this event by learning Parliamentary Procedure in Introduction to Agriculture class and by practicing before and after school.