Newark FFA students are selling mums, gourds, pumpkins, broom corn, and Indian corn at the Meadowlands Scarecrow Fest in Newark on Saturday, October 4th (9 a.m.-5 p.m.) and Sunday, October 5th (10 a.m.-4 p.m.) Newark FFA has been providing fall decorations for the community off and on for over 10 years. All proceeds go to the members of the FFA chapter to pay for leadership camp scholarships, state and national convention scholarships, and for program equipment and supplies. Joe Steffen, FFA instructor at Newark High School, is coordinating the student activities.
Meadowlands Farm is located at 13890 County Line Road, Newark, IL. (10 miles from Rt. 47 & 71 intersection; 5 miles from Rt. 52 & 71 intersection).
Meadowlands Farm is located at 13890 County Line Road, Newark, IL. (10 miles from Rt. 47 & 71 intersection; 5 miles from Rt. 52 & 71 intersection).