The Newark FFA Chapter was ranked 2nd in the state of Illinois, 8 out of the last 9 years, at the 79th Annual Illinois FFA Convention in Springfield, Illinois, held June 12th through the 14th. Newark was ranked behind the Seneca FFA Chapter by 6 points.
The Newark FFA Chapter accepted the award for the first place chapter in Section 8 for its heritage program. The chapter was ranked Gold and 4th in the State and will send Dan Doeing and Alison Monkemeyer to Washington D.C. on all expense paid trip, sponsored by the Illinois Farm Bureau.
The chapter also received first place in Section 8 for the Cooperative program in which the Newark FFA Chapter will send Kim Monkemeyer to Washington D.C. on all expense paid trip, sponsored by the Illinois Farm Bureau.
The Newark FFA Chapter received the $3,000 plaque for its work in the Illinois FFA Foundation Collection Drive.
The Newark FFA Chapter was one of 25 chapters to receive the FFA Sweepstakes Award. This award is given to FFA chapters who take part in the National Chapter Award, Illinois FFA Foundation Collection Drive, Heritage Activity Program, and the Cooperative Activity Program and attends at least one State Career Development Event. The chapter also received the Century Challenge award, which recognizes the chapters that have achieved FFA membership equal to the agricultural education enrollment in the school. This is the chapters 25th consecutive year in this award.
The Newark FFA Chapter was section winner in each of the following areas of the National Chapter Award Program. The areas are Chapter Development, Student Development and Community Development. The Chapter was award the number chapter in the state in Community Development. The Chapter was recognized as a national finalist in the National Chapter Award Program, which will be judged in Indianapolis, IN this month and results will be given at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana in October.
For being the section winner in the National Chapter Award, the chapter was named the winner of the Illinois Banker’s Plaque Award. The Illinois Banker’s Plaque is presented to chapters with the best program of activities in each of the Illinois FFA Association 25 sections in the state.
Nick Verda was recognized on stage for qualifying for the American Degree which he will receive at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. He was also serving as the Section 8 FFA president for Kendall, Grundy, Will, Dupage, Kane, Kankakee, and Cook counties.
Larry Testin was recognized for a gold rating and raked as the Top Ten Chapter FFA President in Illinois.
Brandon Seggebruch, Ryan Seggebruch, Larry Testin, Kim Monkemeyer, and Hailey Rehberg, all received their State FFA Degree, the highest degree the state association can bestow on its members.
Voting delegates attending the convention were Hailey Rehberg and Joe Hanson. Also attending the convention were: Josh Michaelson, Dan Doeing, Nick Huggins, Zeke Schmidt, Jessica Christensen, Allie Jurcak, Amanda Huggins, Megan Watson, Alison Monkemeyer, Tara Bernard, Cody Walker, Kendall Sigmund, Brandon Cihak, Nico Behlke, Logan Rehberg, Dave Ashton, Mike Larson, student teachers Matt Meyer and James Kennedy and Advisor of the Newark FFA Chapter Joe Steffen.
Overall, the Newark FFA Chapter received a gold rating and was named the second place chapter in the state of Illinois. The chapter will compete nationally this summer along with 29 gold ranked schools out of the 396 schools from Illinois.